What Are The Top Technical SEO Issues?

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SEO is important for businesses to be seen online. People usually talk about content and links, but how your website works is also crucial. Technical SEO looks at things like how fast your site is, if it’s easy to use on phones, and how your website addresses look.

Knowing and fixing these technical SEO problems is important. This helps search engines find, list, and rank your website better. We’ll look at the biggest technical SEO problems, explain what they are, and give tips on how to make your website better for search engines.

What Are The Top Technical SEO Issues: 7 Main Issues

1. URL Structure and Canonicalization

URL Structure and Canonicalization are important parts of technical SEO. It helps websites be better on search engines. A good URL is short and shows what a page is about. It helps both people and search engines understand a page’s content and order. Having clear and organized URLs makes it easier for search engines to figure out what a page is and how to list it in search results.

On the other hand, Canonicalization deals with copied content. Sometimes, different web addresses lead to the same or almost the same content, which confuses search engines. To fix this, there’s something called canonical tags. These tags tell search engines which version of a page is the main one. This way, search engines know which page to show in search results.

Doing Canonicalization right is important to avoid problems with search engines. It helps keep your SEO strong. You need to find duplicate content and use canonical tags correctly, so search engines know which page to show. By making good URLs and using canonical tags, your website can be seen better on search engines and your SEO will improve.

2.  XML Sitemap and Robots.txt

XML Sitemaps and Robots.txt files are important for technical SEO. They help search engines understand your website better.

An XML sitemap is like a list of important places on your website. It helps search engines know where to go. This way, search engines can look at all the right places and decide how to rank them. XML sitemaps include web addresses and other info that help search engines do their job well.

Robots.txt is a text file that talks to search engines. It tells them where they can and can’t go on your website. It’s like giving directions. It’s important because it protects important stuff. It also stops search engines from listing things that are the same or not important.

When you make an XML sitemap, you have to make sure it’s correct. It should show your website’s structure and all the important pages. That way, search engines can do their job better and people can find your website more easily. Regularly updating the XML sitemap and submitting it to search engines can help them discover new content and keep your website’s index up to date.

3. SSL and HTTPS

What Are The Top Technical SEO Issues

This is where SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) come into play. SSL is a cryptographic protocol that establishes a secure connection between a user’s browser and a website’s server. HTTPS, on the other hand, is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol through which data is transmitted between a web browser and a website.

Implementing SSL and HTTPS on your website provides several benefits, both for security and SEO purposes. SSL encryption is like a shield for your website. It keeps private info safe when users share things like passwords and payments. This stops bad people from stealing their data.

For SEO, having SSL matters. Google cares about it. Websites with SSL get better ranks in search results. This means more people find your site, and you’re more visible online.

4. Structured Data Markup

Structured data markup is like giving extra information to search engines about your website’s content. It uses special formats to organize data on a webpage. By doing this, websites can make their search results look better and show up more in search lists.

One great thing about structured data is it makes cool search listings called rich snippets. These are special results that show extra info like ratings, reviews, and prices. They make search results more interesting and might get more people to click on them. Structured data also helps websites get featured snippets. These are answers shown at the top of search lists. With structured data, websites can improve their chances of getting picked as the best answer. Which helps them look important and knowledgeable.

If you’re thinking about Sarasota web design, using structured data can be a big help. It makes your website look better in search results and can make people more likely to visit it.

5. Website Crawling and Indexing

Website crawling and indexing are like the ways search engines explore and understand web pages. Crawling is when search engine bots go through web pages and follow links to other pages. They gather info about the content and how pages are set up, which they keep in an index. Indexing is when this info is organized so search engines can easily find and show the right results when people search.

Good crawling helps search engines find all the important parts of a website. But sometimes, technical problems can stop this process and hide useful content. One issue is broken links, which are links that lead to nowhere or a “404 error” page. These mess up crawling because bots can’t follow them to see the content.

Another problem is redirect chains. These happen when a link leads to another link and then finally to the real page. These chains slow down crawling and might confuse search engines, making them take longer to show new content. It’s important for websites to fix these problems. So that search engines can properly explore and show their pages to people looking for information.

In addition to broken links and redirect chains, 404 errors can also negatively impact website crawling and indexing. A 404 error occurs when a webpage is no longer available or has been moved without proper redirection. Search engine bots encounter 404 errors when they attempt to access a page that does not exist. It is important to identify and fix these errors promptly to ensure that search engines can crawl and index the correct versions of web pages.

6. Pagination and Pagination SEO

Pagination is a way that many websites split their content into different pages. You often see this on websites with lots of articles or products. But doing pagination right is super important for people’s experience and for search engines to find stuff. If you don’t do it right, there might be the same content on different pages, confusing search engines and people.

For good pagination, you need to use tags like rel=next and rel=prev. These tags show search engines how pages are connected in order. It’s like telling them which page comes after or before the current one. This helps search engines know the whole story of your content.

But also, think about how people will use your pages. They need to go from page to page easily, and they should know where they are. Make sure there are buttons to go back and forth between pages, and that people can see which page they’re on. When you make it easy for people to move around, it makes their experience better.

7. Site Structure and Navigation

Having a well-organized website and easy navigation is really important for both people and search engines. When folks come to a website, they should find what they need without getting lost or frustrated. Making sure your site is set up well helps everyone.

For search engines, a good site structure helps them understand how everything is connected on your website. This helps them look through and list your pages in search results. It’s like making a map for them to follow.

A big part of this is having a clear navigation menu. This is like a signpost that shows visitors the different parts of your website. Each part should lead to a page that makes sense for that topic.

Another important thing is putting links inside your pages that go to other pages on your website. This helps people find related stuff easily. It also tells search engines which pages are important and how they connect.

When planning your site’s structure, think about what makes sense for people. Imagine being in their shoes. Group similar content together and make sure the menu and links are easy to understand. When people can easily find what they’re looking for, they stay on your site longer and are more likely to do what you want them to do. For example, buy something or sign up.


In conclusion, addressing the question what are the top technical SEO issues? and it is crucial for improving a website’s visibility, user experience, and search engine rankings. To make your website better for search engines and users, you can do a few things. Make sure your web addresses (URLs) are organized well. Use tools like XML sitemaps and robots.txt to help search engines. Also, keep your site safe with SSL and HTTPS. Adding structured data makes your search results look better. Keep an eye on how search engines explore your site and list your pages. Make sure the way you divide content (pagination) is smart. And have a clear menu to help people move around. If you need help, a web design agency like Sarasota Web Design can assist you.

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